Maik van der Gaag

An evening on moving to the cloud

To establish a rhythm of one meetup every two months, we will have one final MeetUp before the summer holidays. This time we will hear about the eight year long go-to-cloud strategy of SnelStart and about creating reliable, geo-distributed networks in Azure. This MeetUp will be held online using Microsoft Teams and the link to join will be posted here roughly 30 minutes before we start. The program: 19:30-19:35: Welcome and sorting out connectivity issues

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An evening on working with cloud infrastructure

It is time to deliver on our promise to have an evening on containers! This evening we will have an online meetup where Brian Veltman and Sudesh Jethoe will share their experiences working with container platforms in AWS and Azure. This MeetUp will be held online using Microsoft Teams and the link to join will be posted here roughly 30 minutes before we start. The program: 19:00 - 19:05 : Welcome and sorting out connectivity issues

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An evening on adopting DevOps

Our second MeetUp for this year will be held on the 9th of March. This evening we will learn all about DevOps. Our first speaker, Martin Woordward is the Director of Developer Relations for GitHub. Before that Martin was Executive Director of the .NET Foundation helping drive Microsoft’s move towards open source and was a Principal Group Program Manager of the team building tooling for DevOps teams inside and outside the company.

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The Road to FOSDEM: The Rotterdam Edition

This meetup is part of the “Road to FOSDEM” (#roadtoFOSDEM) meetup selection by Microsoft the Netherlands & Belgium. The Rotterdam edition, is generously hosted by Ibis Software at their office. Program: 18:00 Walk-in & food 19:00 Talk 1: Taylor Thomas - An overview of Microsofts work in the open source Cloud Native area 19:40 Break 20:00 Talk 2: Jose Miguel Parrella - Lessons learned upgrading Kubernetes clusters 20:40 ~21:00 Networking

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Cloud Data Platform

Our second meetup will be at the office of IBIS, in the Groot Handelsgebouw (floor 6) near Rotterdam Central Station. This evening we have two great sessions, of which the first is now confirmed. The agenda for the evening is as follows: 17:30 - 18:30 : Walk in, welcome and dinner 18:30 - 18:35 : Welcome 18:35 - 19:20 : André Kamman: Azure Databricks and/or Azure SQL Datawarehouse 19:20 - 19:30 : Break

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Govern your Cloud Platform

De eerste bijeenkomst van onze Meetup zal zijn op 12 juni. Deze eerste avond zal de Dutch Cloud Meetup zich volledig richten op Compliance in een cloud platform. Agenda 17:30 - 18:30 : Ontvangst, diner en kennismaking 18:30 - 18:35 : Welkom 18:35 - 19:20 : Sessie: Maik van der Gaag - Govern your Azure platform with Azure Policies Heb je je ooit afgevraagd hoe je ervoor kan zorgen dat mensen zich houden aan Azure naamgevingsconventies, Azure services aanmaken op specifieke locaties, niet die ene dure VM maken en hoe standaardtags worden toegevoegd aan Azure-bronnen?

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